Farm Philosophy

Farm Life & Philosophy


Regenerative Farming describes farming and grazing practices that, among other benefits, reverse climate change by rebuilding soil organic matter and restoring degraded soil biodiversity. This keeps both water and carbon in the soil where they belong. 

August 15th – 7 Species CoverCrop / Pollinator Mix

7 Way Mix
Oats, crimson clover, sunflowers, field peas, forage peas and corn, and tillage radish

September 15th – Sunflowers

October 21st – Tillage Radish


  1. Cover Crop/Pollinator Crop – Cover crops/pollinator crops, along with no-till farming, builds soil health, allowing us to use less fertilizer while providing pollinators (bees/birds) with fresh food.
  2. No Tillage – Eliminate tillage to prevent soil disturbance.
  3. Soil Armour – Protect the soil by keeping it covered with living plants or crop residue to prevent erosion and help moderate soil temperature.
  4. Living Roots – Keep living roots in the soil as long as possible using techniques like fall cover crops to extend the growing season into the fall and early spring.
  5. Diversity – Increase plant diversity through practices like cover crops, inter-cropping or multi-species poly crops to build soil organic matter and the soil’s microbial population.
  6. Integrate Livestock – Adding intensive grazing systems provides animal impact and additional nutrients to change the regenerative system.


Our on-farm, pasture-raised beef get a diet of grasses/ legumes along with non-GMO corn that is grown on-farm.  This way our beef is gluten-free – a must for people who are Celiac/sensitive to gluten. This is the way we’ve been producing beef for three generations – to great compliments!


We source from several local farmers who raise chickens in large, well-maintained barns where they are given a diet of grasses and grass-based grains.

Our Whole Chicken Supplier


We source from several local farmers who raise pigs in large, well-maintained pens where they are given a diet of grasses and grass-based grains.


Rhubarb is available fresh or frozen/pre-cut.  Please order ahead.  Rhubarb is given compost with a heavy layer of straw in the fall.  Other than watering when needed, nothing else is required.